City Council Addresses Recreational Vehicle Use in City


The Brownwood City Council met on Tuesday morning and amended an ordinance on first reading to address recreational vehicles within the city limits. The ordinance will appear again during another city council meeting to be approved on second and final readings.

The changes include:

  • A person may not stay in, reside, and/or occupy a Recreational Vehicle on private property other than in a designated recreational vehicle park as specified in Sec. 98-582(a), except on a temporary basis, not to exceed 10 days.
  • A person may not connect a Recreational Vehicle to City supplied utilities (i.e., water and/or sewer) for the purposes of staying in, residing and/or occupying a Recreational Vehicle, other than on a temporary basis, not to exceed 10 days.
  • A resident who owns a Recreational Vehicle may park at their residence for parking purposes only. Electric service may be connected to the Recreational Vehicle by an extension cord for conditioning purposes only (heat, cool, appliances), to work on the Recreational Vehicle or for temporary use as permitted herein. The Recreational Vehicle shall at no time be used as a permanent dwelling and shall not be considered a permissible accessory building or structure.
  • No person shall hook up a Recreational Vehicle to electrical utilities, water, city sewer, septic systems, telephone, or place a receptacle for receiving mail or any other service or device which would indicate more than the temporary use of the Recreational Vehicle as permitted herein.
  • Property owners are responsible for Recreational Vehicles and their uses while placed on their property regardless of the ownership of the Recreational Vehicle.