Hendrick COVID Safety Dial Drops from 6 to 5


Today (Tuesday), after seven consecutive days below 15 percent for COVID-19 hospitalizations in our Trauma Service Area (TSA-D), Hendrick Health has moved the COVID-19 Community Safety Dial to Level 5: Critical, from a higher Level 6.

Level 5: Critical does not affect current visitation and masking policies at any Hendrick Health facility. Masks are still required in all facilities. Waiting rooms, cafeterias, gift shops and coffee shops are open to designated visitors.

85 Total COVID Positive Hospitalizations
32 ICU COVID Positive Hospitalizations

In Abilene:
70 Total COVID Positive Hospitalizations
22 ICU COVID Positive Hospitalizations

In Brownwood:
15 Total COVID Positive Hospitalizations
10 ICU COVID Positive Hospitalizations

According to Hendrick, the best defense against COVID-19 is for community members to be fully vaccinated.