The Office of Brown County Judge, Dr. Paul Lilly, is now taking nominations for the Quarterly First Responder Recognition.
Nominations for this quarter ending on September 30 need to be received by October 6, 2021 to be considered.
The Emergency Management Chaplains will select the recipient and they will be recognized at the October 11th Brown County Commissioners Court meeting.
Miranda Hicks, Paramedic for Lifeguard EMS, was the first recipient named in July.
As a reminder concerning criteria for nominations:
Candidates must have demonstrated one or more of the following:
- Recognition by their colleagues or those they serve
- Consistent excellence in the performance of their duties
- Consistent dedication to their official responsibilities
- Responsibilities and skills within their profession.
- Compassion for those in need
- Service above and beyond the call of duty
- Firemen (all paid and volunteer department both City and County)
- Law Enforcement (to include all City Police, Sheriff’s Department, Constables, Lake Patrol and Texas Department of Public Safety and Game Wardens).
- EMS personnel
- Camp Bowie Texas Army National Guard personnel that respond to assist on Emergency Incidents
- 911 Dispatchers
- Support Staff for any of the listed agencies
Send nominations to the Brown County Office of Emergency Management at (325) 643-2828