Howard Payne University recently introduced a new design for the institution’s logo, an updated version of the HPU yellow jacket mascot and a new logo for the Department of Intercollegiate Athletics. The graphics resulted from a comprehensive effort to develop a fresh, cohesive visual identity system for the university as outlined in HPU’s strategic planning.
The new artwork was developed over the course of the spring 2021 semester, with feedback gathered through extensive focus group sessions from May through July. The final versions were presented to the HPU community at the start of the fall semester.
The designs were created by Jarvis Green, graphic designer and chief photographer, and Kyle Mize, assistant vice president for communications, in HPU’s Office of University Marketing and Communications. Mize said the timing of the project and the overall look of the designs reflect the energy and excitement prevalent on campus.
“HPU’s new graphics were designed to honor our university’s traditions while representing the bright spirit and personality of our institution today,” he said. “This approach is very much in harmony with the sense of energy and optimism that exists at HPU.”
HPU’s main logo utilizes a combination of fresh typefaces while featuring a design representing the Wilson Gate, a prominent architectural feature located at the front of campus. The gate, dedicated in 2001 and named for the late Dr. Walter C. “Dub” Wilson and his wife, Mrs. Debra Wilson, is the site of Chime In and Chime Out, two important ceremonies in the life of the university. At Chime In, held at the beginning of each new fall semester, a procession of new students files through the gate into campus, symbolizing their entrance into the HPU community. At Chime Out, held the evening before Commencement, graduating seniors exit through the gate, recognizing their departure from the university to make a positive impact on the world as HPU graduates.
“The transformational growth that happens in each student’s life between those two trips through the Wilson Gate is the whole reason Howard Payne University exists,” Mize explained. “We’ve made the student experience central to our university’s main logo as a symbol of our institutional priorities.”
HPU’s main logo will replace the rectangular HPU nameplate that was in use since the 1990s.
The artwork for Buzzsaw, the official HPU yellow jacket mascot, was originally designed in 1996. Stronger, more streamlined features and modified color placement provide a fresh look for the character while still retaining the recognizable identity developed through his 25 years of representing school spirit.
For HPU’s Department of Intercollegiate Athletics, italicized lettering and a new, stylized yellow jacket icon in flight provide an energetic, action-oriented visual for the university’s sports programs. Components of the design will be utilized across the spectrum of apparel, equipment, facilities and other promotional materials specifically related to HPU athletics.
HPU’s new graphics, which use the university’s traditional navy blue and gold colors, are now officially in use and will be featured increasingly throughout the 2021-2022 academic year as campus signage and various other items are produced. An updated style guide with details on the usage of the graphics is being developed by the Office of University Marketing and Communications.