BCRW Packing Bags to Support Law Enforcement Serving at the Border


Brown County Republican Women’s Club will be packing Bags of Support for Law Enforcement serving at the border.  The Shields & Bags of Support will be given to Texas Ranger Jason Shea to distribute to those working to secure our border.  Those protecting our border need to know they are being supported and prayed for ~ this is one small way we can do that.

We are purchasing 100 shields and can get them at a bulk rate of $5 each, normally they are $9.99.  At the July and August Meetings we collected donations totaling about $250 which about half of what is needed.  We need 10 members to donate $25 and we will reach our total.  Any extra donations for shields will be used to purchase additional items for bags of support.

Members/Associate Members/Friends, if you would like to help pack the bags please be at the Brownwood Chamber of Commerce, Thursday, August 26th at 11:30 am.  It helps if you will let us know but you can just show up at the last minute too.  If you have not had a chance to make a donation toward the Shields or donations of items for the bags, it’s not too late and you can bring them with you.

We are including snack items i.e., individual bags of nuts, protein bars, hard candy, etc.  Small individual bags are requested as these will be placed in quart zip-lock bags along with the Shields.  We will meet later in August to assemble the bags.

It’s not too late to take Donations for Shields and Snacks to Martha Faetche at the Brownwood Chamber of Commerce.