The School Board of Trustees of the Brownwood ISD met at Central Support Center on Monday evening, August 9. As a portion of their meeting, they received an update on the school district’s COVID response plan from superintendent Dr. Joe Young, as classes begin on August 18.
The 2021-2022 Return to School Plan can be read at this link to Brownwood ISD.
The plan covers health and safety protocols, self screening for staff and students, personal protective equipment, hand washing, cleaning and disinfectant protocols along with academic services and communication.
Speaking with KOXE News, Dr. Young explained what students and parents can expect.
“The difference between the start of this year and the start of last year is in some of our procedures,” Young said. He highlighted the following.
* There is no mask mandate right now
* Masks are optional in BISD for visitors, staff and students
* You are free to wear masks if you think that is appropriate for you but it isn’t something that is required at this time.
* Visitors are allowed into buildings this year.
* Parents or guardians who wish to eat lunch with their student may do so. There will be assigned seating for those families, as in the past, in the back of the cafeteria.
* Parents can come into the building for Meet the Teacher night which is by appointment to allow teachers and parents to spend more one on one time together.
* Hand sanitizer stations are readily available in classrooms and throughout each school building.
* Hand washing for Elementary students will be required twice daily.
* There are at least two water bottle stations at each campus for students to fill their water bottles.
* Cleaning products remain in each classroom
* BISD still has a good supply of masks.
For more information, reference the Return to School Plan by CLICKING HERE.
In other business the Board heard a recommendation from a local committee looking into naming the CTE/Vocational Building. They recommended the building be named for Dusty Moore who was a long time auto mechanic teacher.
“Mr. Moore was more than a teacher. He was a mentor and he had a very positive, life long influence on the students who were lucky enough to know him and have him as a teacher. We feel he was also a father figure for those without. He was not only very successful in teaching auto mechanics, but I believe it is more important that he instructed and required honesty, responsibility and how to reason and think for yourself,” said committee member Mike Smith. The school board took no action Monday night on naming process.
The school board also approved the following:
Student Code of Conduct
Proposed Tax Rate of 1.0754 for Public Notice. The rate is a decrease from last year. The board is scheduled to approve the 2021-2022 budget and tax rate on August 26.
The Board also approved all Consent Agenda items of:
T-TESS Appraiser List
Teacher Appraisal Calendar
District Improvement Plan
Property/Casualty Insurance for 2021-2022
Extension of Janitorial Contract for 2021-2022
Transportation Agreement for 2021-2022
District of Innovation Teaching Certifications
The Board went into Executive Session at 7:20 pm for the purpose of discussion of appointment, employment, evaluation, reassignment duties, discipline, or dismissal of public employees or officials.
A Formative Evaluation of the Superintendent was also on the agenda for Executive Session.
The board announced prior to Executive Session that no action would be taken on the agenda items.