BANGS – During Monday night’s meeting of the Bangs City Council, no action was taken following a 35-minute executive session that was listed on the agenda as an update regarding the disciplinary action of Police Chief Jorge Camarillo.
According to Brownwoodnews.com, following the July meeting of the Bangs City Council, a formal complaint was drafted by Bangs City Attorney Mark Bessent and signed by Bangs Mayor Rick Phelps and then presented to Bangs Police Chief Jorge Camarillo and his attorney John Lee Blagg.
Camarillo and Blagg both attended Monday’s meeting. Reasons for the formal complaint have not been provided.
Earlier in Monday’s meeting Phelps did reveal that Bangs police officers James Blankenship and Sean Halvorson resigned from the department Monday morning. The reasons for there resignations were not shared with the public.
Phelps informed those in attendance of the resignations following an impassioned plea by a concerned citizen whose home was burglarized two weeks ago. The citizen stated for two weeks a continual effort had been made to obtain a police report so it could be submitted to the home owner’s insurance company to file a claim, to no avail.
July’s police log indicted there were two car burglaries and one home burglary.
A police officer hiring committee that consists of Phelps and council members council members Anita Powell and Greg Flores was established during Monday’s meeting.