Governor Orders Investigation of Texas Juvenile Justice Department


In a letter dated Monday, July 12, 2021, Texas Governor Greg Abbott ordered an investigation into allegations that certain Texas Juvenile Justice Department staff members have recently engaged in potentially illegal behavior.

In response, Camille Cain, the Executive Director for the Texas Juvenile Justice Department, said the agency will fully cooperate.

Among the state’s five youth detention facilities, the Ron Jackson State Juvenile Correctional Complex is located in Brownwood.

The Governor’s letter is below, followed by a statement in response from Director Cain of the TJJD.

Dear Colonel McCraw:

The Office of the Inspector General for the Texas Juvenile Justice Department (TJJD) and the TJJD Independent Ombudsmen have reported to prosecuting attorneys multiple allegations that certain TJJD staff members have recently engaged in potentially illegal behavior.
I am directing you to have the Texas Rangers immediately investigate these allegations and provide me with a report so that appropriate remedial action can be taken. I expect full cooperation by TJJD leadership and staff with any assistance deemed necessary to accomplish a thorough investigation.

Greg Abbott


Statement on Today’s Announcement by the Office of the Governor
July 12, 2021

AUSTIN—Camille Cain, the Executive Director for the Texas Juvenile Justice Department, issued the following statement today regarding the announcement by the Office of the Governor:
“I am thankful to Governor Abbott and Colonel McCraw for providing the assistance of the Texas Rangers to investigate allegations of illegal conduct among TJJD staff members. Our agency will, of course, cooperate fully in an effort to ensure that our facilities are as safe as possible for our youth and that any criminal behavior is identified and punished appropriately.
Prior to today’s announcement, our agency had already begun a review of cases going back to 2017, regardless of the investigative outcome, in an effort to ensure that we are as vigilant as possible in identifying potential illegal conduct and isolating any patterns of behavior that could help remove staff members before they can prey on the youth in our care. In addition, we continue to work to implement our Texas Model Plan for Reform, which focuses on these critical issues and served as the basis for our Legislative Appropriations Request for the 2021 session.”