Miranda Hicks Presented First Responder Award


The very first First Responder Award was given Monday morning to Miranda Hicks.  The presentation was made by County Judge Dr. Paul Lilly to Hicks during a meeting of Brown County Commissioners.  In June, Judge Lilly announced a new program to recognize First Responders in Brown County for going above and beyond to serve the citizens of Brown County. This is a way to say a special “Thank You” for service.

North Lake Community Church also presented a $100 gift card from United Supermarkets to Hicks – who was nominated twice for the honor.

Co-workers describe Hicks as a veteran of more than five years, supervisor for about a year, having gone through paramedic school at TSTC Brownwood.  “A hard worker who works extra shifts if needed, cares deeply for her patients and consistently goes above and beyond the call of duty” are just a few of the comments made in the nomination.

Future nominations should be sent to the Emergency Management office at emc@browncountytx.org or (325) 643-2828.  The award will be given quarterly.

Candidates must have demonstrated one or more of the following actions:

  • Recognition by their colleagues or those they serve
  • Consistent excellence in the performance of their duties
  • Consistent dedication to their official responsibilities
  • Responsibilities and skills within their profession.
  • Compassion for those in need
  • Service above and beyond the call of duty

First responders eligible include

  • Firemen (all paid and volunteer department both City and County)
  • Law Enforcement (to include all City Police, Sheriff’s Department, Constables, Lake Patrol and Texas Department of Public Safety and Game Wardens).
  • EMS personnel
  • Camp Bowie Texas Army National Guard personnel that respond to assist on Emergency Incidents
  • 911 Dispatchers
  • Support Staff for any of the listed agencies

(photo of Judge Lilly presenting the award to Miranda Hicks is courtesy of North Lake Community Church)