Visit Early is excited to announce a summer concert series featuring three local venues or businesses on three different nights throughout the summer. Creed Fisher will headline the first series with Jeff Martin opening for him on July 30th at 5:30. Jeff and Creed will perform at Summer Nights on the Streets of Los Trece, TX. Los Trece is located at 3901 HWY 84-183 East Early, Texas. Summer Nights will have vendors and food trucks available as you explore the streets of the old west town of Los Trece, TX.
The second concert in the series will be hosted by Bruner Auto Family on August 6th at 5:00. The concert will coincide with their Community pep rally as the community gears up for the return to school and Friday Night Football. Bruner Auto Group is located at 224 Early Blvd. All the local schools in Brown County will be introduced along with their bands playing select songs. Hot dogs, popcorn and Dr. Pepper will be available. The Community Pep Rally will culminate with a free concert featuring Chris Colston and home town artist Kyler Dean.
The final summer concert will be the 9-11 Tribute Concert hosted by Stagecoache honoring all our local heroes. Stagecoache is located at 400 Old Comanche Road in Early Texas. Join us for a rocking time as Walk this Way, a Tribute to Aerosmith and Escape, a Dallas Journey Tribute Band take the stage at 5:30 on Saturday September 11th. The Dubὀn Family Foundation will be presenting donations and honoring our local police, fire and veteran foundations.
For further information and ticket information please visit the Early CVB page on Earlytx.net.