Brown County Commissioners met Monday morning, May 24. All Commissioners were present. Commissioner Joel Kelton presided over the meeting in the absence of Judge Lilly.
- The Burn Ban was left off at this time in Brown County.
- The COVID Report was given by Lisa Dick with the Brownwood/Brown Co. Health Department.
- Commissioners approved the application from IP Radian to install private lines on CR 186, CR 187, and CR 188.
- Commissioners approved the use of the Coggin Avenue Baptist Church Connection Center in place of Howard Payne’s University of the purposes of jury selection.
- Jennifer McKibben was approved to replace Danielle Jordan as assistant court coordinator, effective June 1.
- Lisa Caldwell (shown left in photo with Judy Brownlee) was approved as a new member to the Brown County Child Welfare Board.
- Approval was given to enter into a contract with Dr. Burns for access to the DPS radio tower.
- Approval was given to purchase new software for records management regarding the jail and law enforcement.
- Approval was given to seek bids for IT services for the sheriff’s office.
- Approval was given to hire Christopher Angel as a new deputy for the Brown County Sheriff’s Office.
- Approval was given to move contingency funds in the the COVID and FEMA funds.
- Approval was given to declare surplus items on GovDeals.com.
- Commissioners left the burn ban off due to recent rains
- Discussion was held regarding the American Rescue Plan Act and how to spend the allocated funds.
- Discussion was held regarding the TAC 2021-22 Health Renewal Notice and Employee Benefits Pool.