Weekly Brown Co. COVID Report


The Brownwood/Brown County Health Department received 4 positive COVID-19 test results for the week, and reported at the end of the week on May 21. Of the 4 positives, 1 was PCR, and 3 were antigen. There are currently none hospitalized in Brown County for COVID-19. One death was reported, a male resident of a nursing facility in his 90s.

COVID-19 Vaccinations:

Brown County currently reports:

  • People with at least one dose – 10,673
  • People fully vaccinated – 9,174
  • Percentage of people 16+ fully vaccinated – 27.89% (Note: the percentage decreased from last week due to adding in the adolescent population in the estimated population needing vaccination.)

30,883 is the estimated number of Brown County residents eligible for vaccination.