Early Chamber Holds Ribbon Cutting for JB Financial Coaching


On Tuesday, the Early Chamber of Commerce held a ribbon cutting for new member, JB Financial Coaching.

It started a few years ago when Jacob Bierman was sitting in the back of the church auditorium.  He was overcome with the Spirit as the pastor from Uganda shared how much it would cost to fund one child the necessary uniform, supplies, and one bowl of porridge a day for the entire school year. One statistic kept repeating itself over and over: 78%.

78% of American households are living paycheck-to-paycheck. That means that out of every 10 homes in any neighborhood, 8 of them would be in a financial crisis if one paycheck was missed. Jacob and his family were recently one of those 8 households until 2017 when he and his wife became debt free after he had asked her the previous year “Are we ok, financially?” to which she replied “I don’t know, are we?”

The Spirit was telling Jacob to “do something about the 78%”. Jacob heeded that call and began the 3 year process to become a certified money coach, leave his profession of 10 years as a medical laboratory technician, and start JB Financial Coaching, LLC.

Coach Jacob at JB Financial Coaching, LLC guides young professionals and young-marrieds through their money concerns and fears they encounter after graduation. He uses a plan that focuses on 2 key principals:

  1. Jesus is making all things new, including our money and relationships.
  2. God has chosen us, which includes our money, to accomplish His work in the world.

Some of the possible solutions that can be provided include:

  • Understanding your spending habits
  • Creating a spending plan or budget
  • Understanding the emotional components of dealing with money
  • Learn how to establish an emergency fund
  • Manage or eliminate debt

Reach out to Coach Jacob at (325)261-0444 or follow @JBFinancialCoaching on Instagram or Facebook!