City Council Approves 10-Year Lease of Coliseum to Howard Payne University


In session Tuesday, April 27, the Brownwood City Council unanimously approved a 10-year lease with Howard Payne University to take over operations of the Brownwood Coliseum effective May 10.

“Howard Payne has enjoyed the use of the coliseum for many years and we’re happy to host them, but it got to the point where they were needing more time in the coliseum than the City was able to give them,” said Brownwood City Manager Emily Crawford. “With the new events center that has been approved, what the City will be able to do is most events that took place in the Coliseum can take place in the new events center when that’s completed, which would allow more time for Howard Payne to have the facility for more use.”

HPU will take over complete control of the maintenance, operation, and staffing of the facility so they can use it more beneficially to the university, but they will also be allowing it to be open for public use as is currently is, Crawford added.

Howard Payne President, Dr. Cory Hines, was among the university’s contingent at the meeting and stated representatives of the institution were slated to meet in early May to approve the agreement on the school’s end.

(story courtesy Derrick Stuckly of