The City of Early City Council and Planning & Zoning Commission will hold a special called joint meeting Monday, April 26, at 6:00 pm at the Early Visitors and Event Center, 419 Garmon Drive.
On the agenda:
Administer the Oath of Office and Oath of Honor to new police officers Fidel Olalde and Marvin Simpson
Acknowledgement and recognition of promotion to Sergeant for two Early Police Officers
Consider approval of final plat for subdivided property Early Boulevard Addition, approximately 2.02 acres of Francis Hunt Survey 18, Abstract 408, located at 819 Early Blvd.
Presentation by Kendig Keast Collaborative on the progress of the Unified Development Code
Executive Session in accordance with the provisions of Chapter 551, Texas Government Code
Reconvene in Open Session
Comprehensive Financial Policy Workshop
Administrator’s Report
- Smart City Expo
- CRF Grant Update
- American Recovery Plan Act funds