The Brownwood Area Chamber of Commerce and Advantage Office Supplies will host a Job Fair on May 12, 2021 from 10 am to 5 pm, at The Depot located at 600 East Depot. The event is free to the public.
Representatives from various sectors of business will be available to discuss company needs and perform onsite interviews. Businesses interested in having a booth at the Job Fair should reach out to Kim at membership@brownwoodchamber.org. Chamber members can reserve a booth for a $25 refundable deposit. Non-members may reserve a booth for a $50 fee.
Job seekers can seek resume help at the event. Chipster’s BBQ will be selling plates throughout the day.
Sponsored by Advantage Office Products, Demand Staff, and Teddy’s Brewhaus.
For more information, call the Brownwood Area Chamber of Commerce at (325) 646-9535.