Veteran spouses, caregivers, non-enrolled Veterans can get COVID-19 vaccine at VA


West Texas VA Health Care System (WTVAHCS) is providing COVID-19 vaccinations in accordance with the SAVES Lives Act.

On April 1, 2021, the Acting Under Secretary for Health defined the administration’s guidance and determined vaccinations could be administered to the following groups:

  • All Veterans
  • Spouses and surviving spouses of Veterans
  • Caregivers of Veterans. For COVID-19 vaccine eligibility, we define a caregiver as a family member or friend who provides care to a Veteran. Caregivers may help a Veteran with personal needs like feeding, bathing, or dressing. They may also help a Veteran with tasks like shopping or transportation.
  • Recipients of Civilian Health and Medical Program of the Department of Veterans Affairs (CHAMPVA) benefits

It is highly encouraged that those wanting to receive the vaccine, call the vaccination hotline to register – 432-268-2564.

Walk-ins are also welcome at the following locations, Mon-Fri from 8:00 A.M. to 1:00 P.M.:

  • Big Spring VAMC
  • Abilene CBOC
  • San Angelo CBOC
  • Permian Basin – Wilson and Young Medal of Honor CBOC

Dedicated vaccination clinics are being planned and scheduled for our Fort Stockton, TX and Hobbs, NM CBOCs.

If you meet the SAVE LIVES Act criteria, WTVAHCS is offering COVID-19 vaccines on a first come, first serve basis, dependent upon vaccine availability. If you are a Veteran not yet enrolled, although not required, it is helpful if you bring your DD-214 (separation papers) with you.

To learn about upcoming VA outreach COVID-19 vaccine clinics, please follow our website at You can also learn more on our Facebook page and Twitter feed.