Wednesday, April 7th is the date of a tomato gardening program. It will be held at the Brown County Extension Office located at 605 Fisk Avenue in Brownwood. The program will be held from 12 noon – 1:00 pm. It is open to anyone interested.
This April 7th program is the first in a series of Lunch-N-Learn Horticulture programs being conducted this spring/summer by the Texas A&M AgriLife Extension Service. The tomato gardening program will be virtually assisted. Dr. Joe Masabni Extension Vegetable Specialist from Dallas will present the program virtually. It will only be available at the Brown County Extension Office. The program will cover growing tomatoes in home gardens. Dr. Masabni will be available for questions at the end of his presentation.
The specific dates for the Lunch-N-L earn series are as follows:
*April 7 – Home Tomato Gardening, virtually assisted
May 5 – Tour of Hardwick’s Nursery in Early
June 2 – Making Fresh Homemade Salsa (hot sauce), Brown County Extension Office
July 7 – Oak Wilt Management in Home Yard Trees, Brown County Extension Office
All programs in the series are scheduled from noon to 1:00pm.
The programs in this horticulture series are open to anyone interested in vegetable gardening and landscapes.
Individual registration for the series is $25 or $10 per program. No preregistration is needed.
For more information contact the AgriLife Extension Office at 325-646-0386.