Early City Council to Meet Tuesday Evening


The City of Early City Council will meet Tuesday, March 23, at 6:00 pm at the Early Visitors and Event Center, 419 Garmin Drive.  On the agenda:

Service recognition of the Beautification Commission Board will be given to Patrick Mooney, Helen Tatum, Lisa Ritter and Charles Matlock.

Service recognition will be given to Police Officer Sgt. Brandon McMillian by Chief Mercer.

Service recognition and Retirement Recognition will be given K-9 Officer “Jambo” by Chief Mercer.

In Matters of New Business:

  1. Consideration to approve proposed changes to Early Police Department pay scale.
  2. Consideration to approve surplus or salvage items for sale or disposal.
  3. Discuss and consider to approve a Resolution designating a professional engineering firm for the Texas Community Development Block Grant Program Community Development Fund application and project implementation, administered by the Texas Department of Agriculture.

Executive session, if needed, and the Administrator’s Report will wrap up the meeting of the Early City Council Tuesday evening.