The following calls were responded to by the Brown County Sheriff’s Department between March 1 and March 8.
On Monday, March 8 at about 9:54 a.m. Deputy Marvin Simpson received a phone call from Lt. Pete Bastardo. This was in regard to unwanted subject. The address of the call was unknown at the time. Upon meeting with the complaint, deputies were advised the address was CR 270. The complainant stated his step-grandson was no longer wanted at the property for multiple reasons. Deputies made contact with the step-grandson at the back residence on the property. Deputy Simpson advised the step-grandson the complainant would like him to leave the property. The step-grandson willingly and on his own free will left the property. Deputy Simpson transported the step-grandson to the Royal Inn. Deputy Simpson issued a Criminal Trespass Warning to the step-grandson, by request of the complaint.
On Monday, March 8, Sgt. Taylor Fletcher, received a report for an assault, which had occurred on the morning of Friday, March 5. A report was made.
On the evening of Monday, March 8, deputies responded to a domestic disturbance at Waterford Drive. A victim claimed she had been assaulted by a suspect. No injuries were observed, parties were separated and a report was made.
On Monday, March 1 at about 2:39 p.m. Deputy Byron Langley arrived at FM 1849 in Brownwood. This was in regards to loose livestock. Langley located a male donkey walking in the pasture of this residence and a witness standing by the gate. Langley attempted to locate an owner, but was unsuccessful. The donkey was strayed and transported to the Brown County Law Enforcement Center located at 1050 W Commerce in Brownwood.
On Friday, March 5 at about 1:11 p.m. Deputy Byron Langley spoke with a victim by phone in regard to lost property. The victim stated he had lost his pistol after placing it on his hood and driving home.
On Friday, March 5, at approximately 4:47 p.m. Deputy Scotty Burke was dispatched to N. Hwy 279 in Brownwood in reference to a trespass warning being issued to an ex-employee.
On Friday, March 5 at 4:34 p.m. Deputy Carlyle James Gover responded to CR 594. This was in reference to a complaint made by a resident in the area over a brush pile, wrecked boats, dilapidated trailers, and wrecked motor vehicles on the property. Two written warnings and two public nuisance notices were given. A report was made.
On Saturday, March 6 Deputy Joe Thomas was dispatched to a report of a Burglary. The complainant advised two handguns were stolen from his residence. A report was made.
On Sunday, March 7 Deputy Mason Fabbiani was dispatched to a suspicious person asleep in a vehicle on the Kohler property. The subject was identified, and was determined to be intoxicated. Due to circumstances of the incident the subject was placed in custody for Public Intoxication.
On Sunday, March 7 at about 10:20 a.m. Deputy Byron Langley, arrived at the Brownwood Law Enforcement Center located at 1050 W Commerce in Brownwood. This was in regard to a civil standby. Langley spoke with a victim who stated his uncle owns the property located at FM 2125. He is now in a nursing home and not expected to live. The individual stated he has power of attorney over all his uncle’s affairs and a suspect was living at the residence without consent.
On Sunday, March 7 at 1:02 p.m. Deputy Carlyle James Gover responded to Beach Club Road. This was in reference to criminal mischief. After further investigation, photographs were taken and a report was made.
On Sunday, March 7 at approximately 12:23 p.m. Deputy Scotty Burke was dispatched to Terrace Dr. in Brownwood in reference to an abandoned vehicle.
On Sunday, March 7 Deputy Joe Thomas was dispatched to a report of Illegal Dumping. Complainant advised an unknown person(s) discarded two mattresses in the bar ditch on CR 345. A report was made.
On Sunday, March 7 at 8:40 p.m. Deputy Carlyle James Gover, Deputy Mason Fabbiani, and Corporal Jayson Bastardo arrived at County Road 382. This was in reference to a domestic disturbance. After speaking to the individuals involved, the parties were separated from the residence. A report was made.