Pecan Valley Football Chapter Seeks Officials for 2021 Season


The Pecan Valley Football Chapter is in need of former and new members to help officiate the 2021 Football Season.

All new member TASO state dues are waived for the first year. The only cost is the $35 local dues (Due by October 1st) and the cost of your uniform (Typically $100-$120).

Former member will need to pay TASO state reinstatement dues ($65), $50 Local Dues (due by October 1st), and insure your uniform is ready to call.

Meeting and Training will start around July 5th and run thru November 5th, 2021. We will do some on the field training and all other meetings will be held at the National Guard Armory.

Minimum game fee for junior high and JV games is $65. If you have multiple games, each game thereafter is $50.

Minimum game fee for varsity games is $105.

If you are a high school student looking for extra money, TASO will allow 16-18 year old students to officiate while you are in school.

If you have the time and want to get back into the game give me a call at the below number so we can discuss your future as a High School Football Official.

Bryan Senkirik, 325-203-6133.