Lady Aleta Lowe of Brownwood


Lady Aleta was born to William J. Washington and Lillie F. Bagley (Lawton) on September 29, 1954 in Brownwood, TX.  The sixth of seven children, Lady Aleta was raised in a loving home, and she kept her mother close in her heart.

Lady Aleta accepted Jesus Christ as her Lord and Savior at an early age and was baptized at Little Zion Baptist Church. However, it was at a street revival in 1973 where she received the baptism of the Holy Spirit. Her encounter with God was life-changing and provided direction as she sought to serve God wholeheartedly.

She graduated from Lynwood High School in Los Angeles, California in 1971. She attended Howard Payne University and went on to work at Southern Savings and Loan Inc. until its closing in1987. She was then employed at the Texas Youth Commission until retirement.

In 1968, she met the young man who became the love of her life during a choir rehearsal at Little Zion Baptist Church in Brownwood, TX—Charles E. Lowe. They were childhood sweethearts and married on May 3, 1974. Together, they had two beautiful children, Lady MaKaila J. Lowe and Theodus D. Lowe.

Lady Aleta was a devoted and loving wife, mother, and friend. She enjoyed many hobbies. She lovingly served her community, enjoyed decorating and travelled. Above all, she loved to play games COMPETIVELY! Anyone who sat down at the card table with her had to be prepared to talk smack and endure a beat down. Otherwise, they could NOT sit at her table.  People loved her cooking. She made AWESOME 7-UP pound cakes and goulashes that were often requested for birthdays and holidays. Lady Aleta had a beautiful voice and was a highly requested and anointed psalmist. She led many choir songs and sang many solos. She also had compassion for children and understood early on that this was her life’s calling. She was affectionately known as the “baby snatcher.” There were many days that she would get on the road to help a child in need. She opened the Lowe home to many children. She was a known problem-solver and confidant to many who sought her counsel.

A scripture that weighed heavily in Lady Aleta’s heart was James 1:25-27, “But the one who looks intently into the perfect Torah, the Torah that gives freedom, and continues in it, not becoming a hearer who forgets but a doer who acts—he shall be blessed in what he does. If anyone thinks he is religious and yet does not bridle his tongue[g] but deceives his heart, this person’s religion is futile. 27 Pure and undefiled religion before our God and Father is this: to care for orphans and widows in their distress,[h] and to keep oneself unstained by the world.” TLV

After retirement, Lady Aleta answered the call to pure religion and began serving God’s Kingdom as a foster mother. She had several foster daughters, two of which were Danielle Bond and D’Wana Martin who lovingly still hold her as MOTHER in their hearts today. She also served as a magnificent foster grandmother to her daughter’s foster children as well. She was extremely well loved and gave much of herself to the care of all her family-biological and spiritual.

Lady Aleta faithfully attended Brownwood Evangelism Center and Greater Faith Community Church of Brownwood, Texas, where she served as the First Lady from 2012 until 2020. She fought a brave and courageous battle with Covid-19 in November and December 2020. Many prayers were lifted for her healing on this side of Heaven. On January 30, 2021, at the age of 66, Lady Aleta L. Lowe decided to receive her complete and eternal healing in Heaven. She moved from earth to Heaven. HALLELUJAH! She is more alive than we who remain and is now living her BEST LIFE.

Lady Aleta is survived by her husband, Charles E. Lowe of Brownwood; her children, MaKaila J. Lowe of Brownwood, and Theodus D. Lowe (Katrice) of Missouri City, TX; Grandchildren: Stavion D. Lowe (Alex) of Garland, TX, Richard Lopez II of Brownwood, Nina S. Lowe of Missouri City and Tysen Lowe of Missouri City, TX and great-grandson Acelan Lopez of Brownwood, TX. Siblings: Mary Helen (Jimmy) of Wichita Falls, TX; James Bagley (Janet) of Brownwood, TX; Michelle McDowell of Brownwood, TX and Michael Lawton of Austin, TX; a host of nieces and nephews and numerous other family and friends.

Lady Aleta is proceeded in death by her father, William J. Washington; mother, Lillie F. Lawton; and sisters, Melinda Wright, and Brenda Buchanan.