For the third time in five days, a ShareLunker bass (13 pounds or more) was reeled in at the O.H. Ivie Reservoir in southwest Coleman County. Donald Burks caught a 13.40 pound monster Tuesday morning to join Josh Jones with a 13.20 pound catch Sunday. But those were 3 pounds lighter than the presumed new lake record reeled in on the 19th by Joe McKay of Bussey, Iowa. His 16.40 pound catch (top photo) is one for the record books and a sudden social media sensation. If that’s not enough, a couple possible lake record smallmouths weighing over 6 pounds each have been landed in recent days. (photos courtesy Toyota ShareLunker Facebook page)
Donald Burks 13.40 pound Lunker makes the 3rd Legacy class bass in the past 5 days from Ivie!
This big boy tipped the scales at 13.20 and was caught by Josh Jones.