BISD School Board to Meet Monday Night


A Regular Meeting of the Board of Trustees of Brownwood Independent School District will be held Monday, February 8, 2021, beginning at 6:30 PM at BISD Central Support Center, 2707 Southside Dr., Brownwood.  The agenda is below.

I. Establishment of Quorum, Call to Order
II. Invocation
III. Pledge of Allegiance

IV. Instructional Focus
V. Board Recognitions
VI. Audience for Guests
VII. Superintendent’s Report
VIII. Accept the resignation of Board member, Dr. Lisa Fowler (Place 6)

IX. Executive Session (closed)
A. Section 551.074 – Personnel Matters
1. The Board will discuss the appointment, employment, evaluation, reassignment duties, discipline, or dismissal of public employees or officials.
2. Discuss possible candidates for open Board seat.
X. Return to Open Session to discuss possible action on Executive Session Items

XI. Discussion and/or Action
A. Consider approval of appointment of new board member to fill Place 6
B. Administration of Oath of Office to newly-appointed Board Member
C. Reorganizaton of the Board (Election of Officers)
D. Receive Departmental Reports
1. Budget Calendar
2. School Nutrition Report
3. Pre-K, Kindergarten, & Headstart Roundup
E. Public Hearing on Texas Academic Performance Report (TAPR)
F. Consider approval of 2021-2022 School Calendar
G. Consent Agenda
1. Copier/Printer Contract
2. Policy Update 116
3. BMS UIL Fundraiser
4. Minutes from January 19, 2021 Board Meeting

XII. Announcements
A. Team of 8 Board/EISO Training – Friday, February 12, 2021 – HPU
B. Staff Development Day – February 12, 2021
C. President’s Day Holiday – February 15, 2021
D. Bluebonnet Relays – Early Release for High School Only – March 5, 2021
E. Spring Break – March 8-12, 2021
F. Next Board Meeting – March 15, 2021
G. UIL Academic Meet – Early Release for Middle School Only – Thursday, March 18, 2021
H. Early Release (2 hours early) – ALL – Thursday, April 1, 2021
I. Good Friday Holiday – Friday, April 2, 2021