FRIDAY MORNING UPDATE: The Texas A&M Forest Service reports the May Fire is 100% contained and burned a total of 780 acres.
Firefighters had gained the upper hand Thursday evening but there were tense moments for a while Thursday afternoon as a wildfire spread quickly over northern Brown County. A north wind near 40 mph, and humidity at 18%, were factors favorable for the fire to spread. In the 6:00 pm report from the Texas A&M Forest Service, the fire was reported to be 85% contained having burned 700 acres.
The photos were taken on County Road 411. The fire moved from north to south over pastures. Dozers and road graders supplied by the Forest Service and by County Commissioner Joel Kelton cut fire lines around the perimeter of the fire. Numerous area volunteer fire departments fought the flames.
The cause had not been announced as of Thursday evening.
A grader was being used to cut fire lines around the perimeter of a large grass fire Thursday a short distance west of the community of May.