The Brownwood City Council will meet Tuesday, January 12, at 9:00 am at City Hall Council Chambers. The agenda is below.
1. Call to Order
2. Pledge of Allegiance
3. Invocation
4. Items to be withdrawn
5. Introductions, Announcements, and Recognitions
6. Citizen Presentations
Any citizen who desires to address the City Council on a matter not included on the agenda may do so at this time. The City Council may not deliberate on items presented under this agenda item. To comply with the provisions of the Open Meetings Act, the Council respectfully requests that prior to addressing Council that each person submit a citizen presentation form that is located at the entryway to the Council Chambers, stating your name, address, and topic of presentation. All presentations are subject to a five (5) minute time limit.
7. Approval of Minutes
A. Regular Called Meeting – December 8, 2020
B. Special Called Meeting- December 15, 2020
8. Claims and Accounts
9. Ordinances and Resolutions
A. Consider a resolution and award an engineering contract related to the 2021/2022 TxCDBG grant application and project.
B. Consider a Resolution regarding the annual review of the City’s investment policy.
10. Agreements and Contracts
A. Consider approval of lease contracts for field offices for U.S. Congressman Pfluger and State Representative Rogers.
11. Consent Agenda
A. Consider an ordinance on second and third/final reading recommending amendments to the City’s Zoning Ordinance permitting certain concrete batch plants in M-1 restricted industrial district zones.
12. Bids
A. Consider awarding a bid for the work and modifications to a 400′ guyed tower for the radio infrastructure project and authorize the City Manager to enter into any change orders necessary, as allowed per state purchasing requirements.
13. Reports
A. COVID-19 Update
B. City closed on Martin Luther King, Jr. Day-January 18, 2021
14. Adjournment