Saturday, December 19th, is the date of the nationwide Wreaths Across America wreath laying ceremonies. Given the current public health crisis we face in the Brownwood and surrounding area, the Greenleaf Cemetery Association is opting out of hosting a public ceremony/gathering. Instead, the Greenleaf staff will be placing the wreaths at 10:00 am Saturday in conjunction with the timing of the National ceremony.
“We know a number of you may have purchased wreaths with the intent of coming to the cemetery and placing them yourselves and we will honor those requests with safety protocols in place for both you and our staff members. Three tables will be placed in front of the cemetery office where you may pick up your wreaths. Your name and the number of wreaths you ordered will be placed on these tables, socially distanced for your safety and ours. We respectfully ask all participants to adhere to COVID-19 social distancing and mask wearing protocols when interacting with others at this time.
Thank you for your continued support during these difficult times. We look forward to the day we can gather safely and celebrate the lives of those laid to rest in historic Greenleaf Cemetery.”
Note: Cemetery Staff will be available by phone @ 325.646.6919 and in person this Saturday at the cemetery Office between 9 am and 12 if you need any further assistance with the WAA wreaths.