The City of Early City Council will meet at 6:00 pm Tuesday, December 8, at Early City Hall to address the following agenda items.
A. Call to order, Invocation, Pledge of Allegiance
B. Consideration of the minutes of special called joint meeting held on November 10, 2020.
C. Citizen’s comments.
D. Public Hearing – Petition of Annexation 106½ Early Blvd.
E. Matters of New Business
1. Consideration to approve an Ordinance, 2020-09, to annex and designate the permanent zoning of approximately 55 acres of Kraber Henry Survey 19, Abstract 584, currently known as 106½ Early Blvd. By: Larry McConn
2. Consider approving a variance to the setback requirements to install a carport at 124 Meadow Lane. By: Jeremy Essary
3. Consider adoption of a Resolution, 2020-R08, creating 2021 Building Early, Texas Initiative; an economic development program under Chapter 380 of the Texas Local Government. By: Tony Aaron
4. Consideration to approve an Ordinance, 2020-10, amending the City Code of Ordinances of the International Building and Fire codes to include required appendices. By: Larry McConn
5. Consideration to approve an Ordinance, 2020-11, amending the City Code of Ordinances for limited use standards regarding self-storage/mini-storage buildings constructed within the City of Early. By: Larry McConn
6. Consider ratification of action taken by the Brown County Commissioners to extend the Lifeguard Ambulance Service contract for three years. By: Tony Aaron
7. Consider awarding winning bid proposal, RFP2020-001 Park Improvements, for sidewalks at City Park. By: Larry McConn
8. Consideration to award winning bid submitted for the purchase of 819 Early Blvd. By: Tony Aaron
a. Offer Number 11-01-2020-01 – approximately 0.38 acres
b. Offer Number 11-01-2020-02 – approximately 0.73 acres and includes approximately 4,400 square-foot building
F. Executive Session in accordance with the provisions of Chapter 551, Texas Government Code:
1. Section 551-072, Deliberation about Real Property – 819 Early Blvd.
2. Section 551-087, Deliberation regarding Economic Development – Early Municipal Development District grant.
G. Reconvene into Open Session and consider action, if any, on items discussed in executive session.
1. Economic Development Municipal Development grant application, Resolution 2020-EDR08, from United Country Heart of Texas Real Estate.
H. Comprehensive Financial Management policies workshop.
I. Administrator’s Report.
J. Announcements
K. Adjourn