A statement released by the May ISD on Monday afternoon is as follows:
Dear May ISD Parent/Guardian, Brown County is now experiencing in influx on COVID-19 cases and it seems to be rising.
It appears that we will be down several employees that are being quarantined due to being in close contact. I have also been notified of several students being quarantined because of close contact on both campuses. I expect higher contact tracing increases due to a potential large group quarantine if we continue to meet at school. We will begin remote instruction for 14 days starting tomorrow, 12/1/2020 through 12/14/2020. We will be monitoring this situation daily. I apologize for any inconvenience this creates.
If you have any questions or concerns, please reach out to me at steve.howard@mayisd.com or visit our website at http://www.mayisd.com