CASA in the Heart of Texas Offering Two Opportunities During December to Meet and Gain Information About Volunteering


Court Appointed Special Advocates (CASA) in the Heart of Texas will be having two opportunities during December for individuals interested in learning more about the mission of CASA and the unique volunteer opportunity that they offer:

1) An information session, CASA 101, on Tuesday, December 1st at 6pm, 901 Avenue B in Brownwood, and

2) Coffee with CASA  on Tuesday, December 15th at 9am, also at 901 Avenue B in Brownwood.

CASA volunteers advocate for children and families involved in the child welfare system, staying by the child’s side throughout the duration of the case, working to ensure that the child’s mental, physical, and educational needs are met. These trained advocates make sure the child’s voice is heard as they advocate for the best interest of their assigned child/children. They help keep children connected to their culture and cultural identity, as well as advocating to keep families connected and together whenever safe and possible. “A big part of an advocate’s job is forming connections and relationships, especially with the child or children; but it doesn’t end there. They also get to know the parents and families, the caseworker and attorney ad litem, the child’s service providers, teachers, and others. Advocates gather information from every part of the child’s life in order to provide valuable information to the judge and others involved in the case and help ensure a child’s best interest is being met,” McCraw explained.

Volunteers are required to be at least 21 years of age. “They need to be able to communicate well, collaborate, work independently and as a member of a team. Advocates must be responsible, able to keep commitments and meet deadlines. They need to be able to use technology for documentation and communication, and they need to sincerely care and desire to make a difference,” stated Joanne McCraw, Recruiter/Trainer for CASA in the Heart of Texas.

“Having just celebrated Thanksgiving, it dawns on me that many of our volunteers make the decision to volunteer because they feel grateful and blessed,” continued McCraw. “They often have children of their own that are safe and well-provided for, sometimes grandchildren as well, and they want to do something to impact the lives of children in their community who have been removed from their homes due to allegations of abuse or neglect. They know that CASA gives them the opportunity to use their skills and invest their time where they can really make a difference.”

Unfortunately, not all children in our community in the foster care system have a CASA volunteer to be by their side and work on their behalf. There is an urgent need for people in the Brownwood area to step up and meet this need. If you would like to learn more about the role of a CASA volunteer, the commitment and time required, what skills and attributes make a great CASA, and get answers to other questions, please call CASA at 325-643-2557, attend the info session at 6pm Tuesday, December 1st or Coffee with CASA on Tuesday, December 15th.  There is an urgent need for more advocates, and CASA is accepting applications now for the next training class being planned for January of 2020.

There is no obligation for those who come to a meeting to get more information, and those interested are welcome to bring their spouse or a friend. “Some of our advocates come to us as couples, which is a great way to invest in the lives of others without pulling a lot of time away from each other, “ said McCraw. Some programs have sisters or friends who volunteer together as a team, which CASA in the Heart of Texas would also welcome.

“We do know that timing is everything and that not everyone can be a CASA,” emphasized McCraw. Some people who want to support CASA’s mission become members of the Board of Directors, others support the cause financially, and still others find alternative ways to help. The support of the community is needed in all these ways. One simple way to help the program is by helping to make connections with people who could become advocates or help in other ways, for example, inviting representatives to share information at meetings, classes, or groups; getting permission to post or share promotional materials in businesses or places where people meet; inviting a friend or two to meet with a CASA staff, volunteer, or Board member that you know.

CASA in the Heart of Texas recently had two new volunteers sworn-in by Judge Gary Banks via Zoom. Kimberly Atkinson and John Robinson completed their pre-service training during November and will soon be assigned to cases of their own. Mr. Robinson is a long-time resident of Brown county, along with his family.  Ms. Atkinson moved to Texas earlier this year with her husband and was anxious to get involved in community service. “As we welcome these two, please consider joining them in the mission that is CASA,” McCraw urged. “Take the first step by joining us Tuesday, December 1st at 6pm or calling 325-643-2557.”