MINI+ ART SHOW & SALE Sharon Cook of Brownwood Art Association accepts art donations from June Musick for the upcoming BAA Mini+ Art Show and Sale, Dec. 3-5 at the Art Center. The event takes the place of the organization’s annual fundraising Chili Luncheon and Miniature Art Sale. Masks and social distancing are required for all activities at the Art Center.
Local artists of the Brownwood Art Association are donating original works of art to the BAA “Mini+” Art Show and Sale Dec. 3-5 at the Art Center, 215 Fisk Ave. The event takes the place of the organization’s annual Chili Luncheon and Miniature Art Sale because of pandemic conditions.
“The Chili Luncheon and miniature sale is traditionally our major fundraising event of the year,” said BAA president Gayle Ritchey. “We knew we couldn’t host that kind of event this year under these conditions, so we flexed a bit!”
The traditional Miniature Sale, offering art 8×10 inches and smaller for $25 each, will now include larger works as well. Prices will range from $25 and up and will include all mediums.
The “Mini+” Art Show and Sale opens Thursday, Dec. 3, from 5 to 7:30 p.m. In addition, the sale continues Friday from 11 to 3 p.m., and Saturday from 12 noon to 3 p.m. Cash, check and credit cards are accepted and all sales are final.
“As we start the holiday season with ‘Christmas Under the Stars’ in downtown Brownwood, consider a gift of art,” Ritchey said. “It never goes out of style and it’s always appropriate. And it will be unique.”
Brownwood Art Association is a non-profit organization established in 1927 to create an environment where members are encouraged and inspired to produce and exhibit their works of art, and to sponsor activities that promote the common good and a better understanding between the artist and the public. For further information, visit www.brownwoodart.org.