The Brownwood Art Association announces a Mini+ Art Show & Sale, December 3-5.
This event takes the place of the annual Chili Luncheon and Miniature Art Sale (major fundraiser of the year) due to the pandemic conditions. All members are asked to donate works for sale.
Size restrictions have been increased to 3×4 feet or less. Works 8×10 inches or smaller will be priced at $25. Pieces larger than 8×10 inches are to be priced at the artist’s discretion. Works must be framed, wired and ready to hang, and available for sale. Cash, checks and credit cards will be accepted. All sales are final.
Schedule is as follows:
INTAKE – Sunday, Nov. 29 from 1 to 4 and Monday, Nov. 30, from 9 to Noon.
The Mini+ Art Show & Sale opens with a First Thursday Reception December 3, 5:00 to 7:30 pm, December 4, 11 to 3 and December 5, 12 Noon to 3.
Pickup remaining works December 5, from 3 to 4.