The Brown County Fair Association late Wednesday night announced its Brown County Queen Contestants for 2021.
A post on the Brown County Fair Association Facebook page said the following:
Miss Emma Connelly is the reigning queen for 2020 who is a senior at Early High School.
Our contestants for 2021 are:
* Miss Azteca Badillo from Brownwood
* Miss Rylah Morgan from Brownwood
* Miss Rylie Guerrero from Bangs
* Miss Jordyn Pitts from Bangs
* Miss Emily Primrose from Zephyr
The queen committee is encouraging advertisement through social media and you may help these girls out this year by sharing posts and supporting candidates! The girls are the only ones who may sell memberships, but you are welcome to support them with posts!
These young ladies will be at many events this year selling memberships including:
* 9/19 Team Roping
* 9/19 Ice Cream Social
* 10/10 BCFA Claybird Shoot for a Cause
* 11/7-8 BCFA Prospect Show
Please support the fair association by purchasing one or many memberships from these five ladies! The money they raise helps to support the fair grounds and the Brown County Youth Fair.
Pictured from left are Rylie Guerrero, Azteca Badillo, reigning queen Emma Connelly, Rylah Morgan, Jordan Pitts, Emily Primrose. Photo by Ann Glasscock