Brownwood City Council Schedules Tuesday Evening Meeting


The City of Brownwood City Council will hold a Special Meeting on Tuesday, September 15, at 6:00 pm at City Hall Council Chambers.  Most Council meetings are held in the morning so note the 6:00 pm meeting time.  The agenda is below.

1. Call to Order
2. Pledge of Allegiance
3. Invocation

4. Citizen Presentations
Any citizen who desires to address the City Council on a matter not included on the agenda may do so at this time. The City Council may not deliberate on items presented under this agenda item. To comply with the provisions of the Open Meetings Act, the Council respectfully requests that prior to addressing Council that each person submit a citizen presentation form that is located at the entryway to the Council Chambers, stating your name, address, and topic of presentation. All presentations are subject to a five (5) minute time limit.

5. Ordinances and Resolutions
A. Consider an ordinance on first reading adopting the FY 2020/2021 City of Brownwood annual budget.
B. Consider an ordinance on first reading levying taxes for the year 2020 for the City of Brownwood.
C. Consider an ordinance on first reading setting utility rates for FY 2020/2021 for the City of Brownwood.
D. Consider an ordinance on first reading setting fees, rentals, licenses, and permits for FY 2020/2021 for the City of Brownwood.

6. Adjournment