Friday Covid Cases at Ron Jackson State Juvenile Correctional Complex


The Texas Juvenile Justice Department provided the following updates Friday afternoon related to COVID-19:

• 4 youth at a TJJD halfway house have tested positive for COVID-19. The results were part of campus-wide testing. Campus-wide testing from two other halfway houses showed no positive cases.
• 2 youth at the Ron Jackson State Juvenile Correctional Complex, in Brownwood, tested positive for COVID-19 last night.
• 1 youth at the Giddings State School tested positive for COVID-19 this morning.
• 1 staff member at the Ron Jackson State Juvenile Correctional Complex tested positive for COVID-19 this morning.
• As of today, the agency has administered 1,215 tests to youth for COVID-19.

Since the start of the pandemic, 158 staff members at the agency’s secure facilities have tested positive for COVID-19:

Evins Regional Juvenile Center: 53
Gainesville State School: 9
Giddings State School: 38
McLennan County State Juvenile Correctional Facility: 20
Ron Jackson State Juvenile Correctional Complex: 38

Since the start of the pandemic, 169 youth at the agency’s secure facilities have tested positive for COVID-19:

Evins Regional Juvenile Center: 25
Gainesville State School: 13
Giddings State School: 76
McLennan County State Juvenile Correctional Facility: 41
Ron Jackson State Juvenile Correctional Complex: 14