Graduation ceremonies for the Brownwood High School Class of 2020 won’t be on July 31st. Ceremonies are now much sooner.
Following the Governor’s orders on Tuesday, May 5th, Brownwood ISD has more options for graduation. To accommodate a more significant number of students and have the ceremony close to the original date, BISD announced plans Monday to adjust plans as follows:
May 29th – Virtual Video will still air at 7:00 pm
June 5th – Downtown Parade
June 5th – Ceremony at Gordon Wood Stadium at 8:15 pm
BISD Statement – “We understand some announcements, travel plans, etc.
have already been made. We polled all senior families, and 80% of those responding were in favor of moving the ceremony to June 5th. There will be negative consequences to any change, but there are several positives to moving it up. Our military recruits will leave on June 8th, and several students with summer plans will be gone before July. This new plan moves the date close to the conclusion of the semester and our original graduation date.”