Plane Crash Reported – (**UPDATE** Plane Found)

(report as of10:28 am Thursday)

Update 10:28 am —It has been confirmed by the Coleman Co. sheriff’s office that a plane crash site has been located North West of Lake Coleman. It has been reported by search crews that three passengers were on board the plane when it went down.
The plane, described as a Beechcraft King Air twin-engine aircraft is said to have reported an electrical issue just before losing contact with air traffic control according to FAA officials.

(report as of 8:15 am Thursday)

Coleman and Callahan County and State law enforcement responded to a report of a plane crash early Thursday morning.

According to Coleman County Sheriff, Les Cogdill, the call came in to dispatch at 6:10 am this morning.  The location is either northern Coleman County or southern Callahan County.  Searchers were still looking as of 8:00 am.

We don’t have confirmation as of yet where the plane took off from or where it was going. It is, however, said to be a small plane, possibly a twin-engine passenger plane.

Due to heavy overnight rain, first responders have encountered very muddy dirt roads.  Efforts were being made to bring in ATV’s, other aircraft and drones to assist in the search.