For the third year in a row, Howard Payne University provided arena judges for the TCEA (Texas Computer Education Association) Area 15 Robotics Contest.
This year’s competition took place on January 19 in the gymnasium of the John H. Glenn Middle School in San Angelo with elementary and middle school participants. Students from Brownwood and Early also took part in the competition.
Stephanie Irene Tarigan, an HPU senior mathematics major from Brownwood, and Clara Octani Tarigan, a December 2018 graduate in engineering science, served as arena judges.
“Mrs. Laura Howard, the present coordinator of the contest, invited HPU to serve as judges this year,” said Dr. Hendra J. Tarigan, assistant professor of engineering science and director of HPU’s engineering science program. Dr. Tarigan accompanies the students each year. “In 2017 and 2018, Mrs. Angela Gau from Ballinger High School was the coordinator.”
Dr. Pam Bryant, dean of HPU’s School of Science and Mathematics, said she is proud of the students’ ongoing involvement in the community.
“Our science and math students have much to offer and I am pleased they have chosen to share their gifts in this way,” she said.
HPU alumna Clara Tarigan (left) and senior Stephanie Tarigan recently served as arena judges for the TCEA Area 15 Robotics Contest.