HPU Sumners Scholars attend public policy lecture by Alan M. Dershowitz

Four students from Howard Payne University’s Guy D. Newman Honors Academy recently attended a public policy lecture through the Institute for Policy Innovation. Alan M. Dershowitz, acclaimed civil liberties attorney, spoke on the topic “The Constitution: Rights and Wrongs” as part of the IPI’s Hatton W. Sumners Distinguished Lecture Series.

Students attending the lecture were Rachel Hughes, senior from Llano; Tyler Olin, junior from Howe; Isaac Sommers, senior from Boerne; and Rachel White, senior from Arkadelphia, Arkansas.

HPU Sumners Scholars are selected for the competitive four-semester program after an in-depth application and interview by the trustees of the Sumners Foundation. The foundation provides a $7,500-per-semester stipend for its participating students to be used for tuition, fees, books or room and board. Additionally, the students are invited to attend annual leadership and policy analysis conferences, such as this one, to supplement their learning.

Named for its founder, former Congressman Hatton W. Sumners of Texas (Democrat, 1912-1947), who served as the chairman of the House Judiciary Committee, the Hatton W. Sumners Foundation is dedicated to the study, teaching and promotion of self-government.

“The Sumners Foundation is committed to promoting programs that increase understanding of civic responsibility and personal potential which is of great interest and importance to faculty and students in the Guy D. Newman Honors Academy,” said Dr. Matthew McNiece, director of the Honors Academy and chair and professor of history and government. “We’re very thankful that our students have opportunities such as these through the Sumners Foundation.”

More information about the Academy and the Sumners program may be found at www.hputx.edu/academy and www.hputx.edu/sumners, respectively.

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