Community, nation rally to donate to reconstruction effort after monuments destroyed

Despite the destruction of four monuments at the Central Texas Veterans Memorial in Brownwood recently, the CTVM committee never considered canceling the Memorial Day service this week. Steve Kelly with the Central Texas Veterans Memorial said the group began working immediately to assess the situation. “We were unconditionally committed to having the Memorial Day service regardless of the circumstances. The loss of the memorial granite tablets was devastating, but we were going to do it.”

Kelly discussed the rallying effort of not just the Brown County community, but from others around the country who have financially donated to the reconstruction effort. “It has been absolutely gratifying,” Kelly said. “It gives hope that there are those who understand the importance of pouring into the veterans who have given so much.”

Although it will take several months to receive the new granite from Georgia, Kelly said they have a hopeful timeline as to when the memorial will be completely reconstructed. “Our goal for the next major event and the memorial to be completely reconstructed is Veteran’s Day,” Kelly said. “That day will also be the 100-year anniversary of the armistice that ended World War I.”

Treasurer Joyce Leidig said tens of thousands of dollars has been raised, but they have yet to meet their goal.

To donate, you can take funds to Citizens National Bank or mail them to:
Central Texas Veterans Memorial
PO Box 1629
Brownwood, TX. 76804

A GoFundMe Page was also established by the Brownwood Jaycees or you can donate on the GoFundMe Page created by Kelly. If you are unable to locate that link, it is available at


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