The Brownwood ISD (BISD) Board of Trustees met for a regular session meeting on this week. BISD Board President Michael Cloy called the meeting to order. Local pastor Ken Colegrove from Brownwood Evangelism Center gave the invocation. Woodland Heights students A. J. Harrington and Blayne Stegemoller led the U.S. and Texas pledges.
Board Recognitions:
The Board of Trustees recognized Special Olympics Athletes who participated in the recent Bowling and Bocce Ball events. Receiving Recognition of Participation certificates were Dylan Camp, Aaron Grammer, Addyson Bowman, Kassidy Harvey, Denny Johnson, Destiny Nesmith, Matthew Reams, Brittany Gross, Titus Holmes, Alan Lowe, Alessandra Rodriquez, Brittanie Withers, Brookalan Norway, Bree Chisum, Blake Clark, Shali Clark, Maria Tavera, and Cielo Sauceda. Prior to the beginning of the Board Meeting, these athletes treated the Board and their guests to a bowling and bocce ball demonstration on the BISD lawn.
Pictured above are members of the Special Olympics Bowling and Bocce Ball teams with some of their coaching staff and BISD Trustee Eric Evans.
Also recognized were the 7th and 8th grade Girls’ Volleyball teams and coaches for their efforts in the Diggin’ for a Cause fundraiser for cancer patients. Proceeds from this year’s Diggin’ for a Cause campaign went to BMS student Seth Moreno, who is a current cancer patient.
Pictured above are Coach Kendi Skelton, volleyball players Oliva Fowler, Gracie Boswell, and Annie Klein Allgood, benefactor Seth Moreno and his family members, and BISD Trustee Dr. Lisa Fowler.
Mr. Aaron Terry, Woodland Heights Elementary music teacher, led his 2nd grade music class in a dance demonstration for the board. These students performed a group dance called the “Circle Waltz Mixer” for the Board members and their guests.
Dr. Young presented his monthly report, including updates on the BISD Financial Report as of October 31, 2017; the Infant/Toddler program; the Fundraising Task Force; Climate Survey results; and the upcoming Food Service contract deadlines.
Technology Report – Mr. Mark Stanley, BISD Technology Director, presented his annual report. Mr. Stanley reported that more than 3,800 devices and 900 network devices are operated within the district on a daily basis. The district currently budgets for a five-year replacement plan for equipment maintained by the district on an as-needed basis. Recent improvements to the district’s Technology department include an upgrade to the BMS Pitsco lab, wherein students research career opportunities; the continuance of a 1-to-1 student/computer program at Brownwood High School; upgraded computer carts and a computer lending library at Brownwood Middle School; upgraded infrastructure for the Infant/Toddler network; new iPad libraries for the GT and Pre-K programs; upgrades to teacher laptops; and 28 new interactive panels for classrooms. Each classroom for all Pre-K through 6th grades now has interactive panels for teacher usage.
Additional technological upgrades throughout the district include security measures on campus, including a mapping of each school for planned keyless entry systems and enhanced camera equipment; an upgraded phone system for the Infant/Toddler campus; and classroom projector upgrades where needed.
Gifted and Talented Report – Ms. Angie Fabbiani and Ms. Amy Adams presented a report on the Gifted and Talented program, including recent expansions of programming due to the addition of another GT teacher (Ms. Adams). The report included numbers of students served by GT instruction on each campus, highlighting the farther-reaching impact of the program by expanded testing of prospective GT students and the continuance of GT instruction through the Middle and High school campuses by differentiated instruction and special programs. Other plans for increased GT instruction in upper grades are being discussed by the GT leadership team.
School Safety Report – Dr. Hector Martinez reported on efforts throughout Brownwood ISD to enhance the safety of students and faculty at each campus. Current projects include the remodeling of the reception area at Coggin Intermediate’s one-story building, plans for a Campus Visitor Badge Program, which will include identification card swiping for immediate background checks, and the keyless entry systems mentioned in the previous Technology Report.
Dr. Martinez presented information regarding discipline efforts by campus, with a discussion of the improvement in disciplinary actions taken by each school’s administration. The effects of the Positive Behavior Model currently used in BISD were discussed, along with programming planned for Drug Safety Awareness at each of the elementary, middle and high school levels within the district. A review of the newly instituted BISD Drug Testing policy was given, including the results of the first three of ten planned random drug tests for the year for BMS and BHS extra-curricular students.
Financial Report – BISD Director of Finance, Ms. Kati Burke, presented a report to the Board that included Fraud Detection Training through a review of the purchasing processes followed within the district. She also reported on the ongoing transition of Campus Activity Funds into the TXEIS system, allowing for enhanced security of the funds and the simplified use of one financial services software package (TXEIS).
Dr. Young presented the proposed contract for renewal of the BISD property located at 901 Avenue B occupied by Family Services Center. The current contract for this property expires March of 2018. The proposed new contract will offer a ten-year term with the same provisions as provided for in the current contract, with the exception of two changes. First, the dates of the contract are changed to reflect a lease period from March 11, 2018 through March 11, 2028. Second, any reference to “rent” in the contract have been discarded, as no rental fee for the building is charged. All other provisions to the contract remain consistent.
Dr. Young presented the text of TASB Policy Update 109 for the Board’s review on First Reading. Highlights of the update include language regarding meal charges for students within the district; video camera requirements within Special Education classrooms; lice notification rule changes; and changes to bullying policies. Dr. Young urged the board members to carefully review the Policy Update 109 prior to the next board meeting.
CONSIDERATION OF APPROVAL OF THE CONSENT AGENDA: Dr. Young presented the following items for approval through the consent agenda:
• Brown County Appraisal District Appointments;
• Minutes of October 9, 2017, Board Meeting
Tim Jacobs moved to approve the Consent Agenda as presented, with Roderick Jones seconding the motion. The motion was approved unanimously.
No items for discussion were presented for an Executive Session.
The following announcements were presented to the Board:
• Thanksgiving Break, November 20 – 24, 2017
• Elementary and Middle School UIL Meets – December 6, 2017
• Next Regular Meeting (with a Dessert Reception) – December 11, 2017
The meeting was adjourned at 7:52 pm.