Sexual assault of a child included in felony sentences

District Attorney Micheal Murray reported that several felony cases were recently heard in Brown/Mills County District Court with Judge Stephen Ellis presiding. Those sentenced were:

Donathan Ellsworth pled guilty to the felony offense of possession of a controlled substance with intent to deliver and was sentenced to 15 years.

Isreal Daijon Samuels, on probation for the felony offense of sexual assault of a child was adjudicated and sentenced to seven years

Zachary Scott Isham, on probation for the felony offense of driving while intoxicated was revoked and sentenced to eight years.

Michael Wayne Johnson pled guilty to the felony offese of theft-aggregate-against elderly individual and was sentenced to six years. Further, Johnson pled guilty to two separate felony offenses of theft aggregate and was sentenced to six years.

Tracy Rene Bishop pled guilty to the felony offense of tampering with or fabricating physical evidence and was sentenced to six years. Further, Bishop, pled guilty to the state jail felony offenses of possession of a controlled substance and was sentenced to 12 months.

Jonathan Thang Lim, on probation for the felony offense of aggravated sexual assault of a child, was adjudicated and sentenced to five years.

Carl Eugene Franklin pled guilty to the felony offense of possession of a controlled substance with intent to deliver and was sentenced to five years.

Enrique Guadalupe Ortega III, on probation for the felony offense of delivery of controlled substance-drug free zone was adjudicated and sentenced to three years.

Angelina Burkes pled guilty to the felony offense of possession of marijuana-drug free zone and was sentenced to two years. Further, Burkes pled guilty to endangering a child and was sentenced to one year.

Henry Elias Rivas, on probation for the felony offense of tampering with or fabricating physical evidence was revoked and sentenced to two years.

Deshon Michael Pratt, on probation for the felony offense of possession of a controlled substance, was adjudicated and sentenced to two year.

Javan Lee Wilson, on probation for the state jail felony offense of burglary of a building was adjudicated and sentenced to 18 months.

Seth Evan Clark, on probation for the state jail felony offense of theft over $1,500, under $20,000 was sentenced to 12 months.

Edna Diana Rice AKA Edna Diana Wells, on probation for the state jail felony offense of possession of a controlled substance, was adjudicated and sentenced to 12 months.

Tiffany Jean Kite pled guilty to the state jail felony offense of possession of a controlled substance and was sentenced to six months.

Amanda Jo Grabast pled guilty to two separate jail felony offenses of possession of a controlled substance and was sentenced to 12 months.


Amanda Grabast


Angelina Burkes


Donathan Ellsworth


Guadalupe Ortega III


Isreal Samuels


Javan Wilson


Jonathan Lim


Deshon Pratt


Seth Clark


Tiffany Kite


Tracy Bishop


Zachary Isham

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