By Rick Phelps
Believe it or not, it is almost time to head to the polls again. In seven weeks, voters will decide on school board and city council seats, with some municipalities reporting contested races. In Bangs, six are running for three open seats. Carrol Wells, who was appointed in 2015 to fulfill the unexpired term of Richard Perez as well as incumbents Larry Lohman and Larry Williford have filed. Also filing were Rick Gravell, Sue Boyer and Toby Bowers. Wells is a former mayor and council member, as is Gravell. For Bangs school board, the only to file were incumbents Eric Lykins and Dennis Sanchez, which means there will be no Bangs school board election.There will be no city council election in Brownwood, as no seats were available. In Early, the only filings for city council were incumbents Charles Matlock, B.J. McCullough and Bennie Allcorn, which means there will be no council election in Early. However, residents of Brownwood and Early will decide to keep economic development in the form of an economic development corporation or move to a multi development district, which has been supported by both councils. The only filings for Early ISD were incumbents Shawn Russell, Mark Rome and Anna Allen, which means there will be no school board election in Early. For Blanket school board place 3, incumbent Beth Bowyer will be challenged by Vicky Jenkins. In place 4, incumbent Johhny Storey did not refile, which means either Sherry Gill, Janis Kinkade or Robert Menchacha will win that seat and in Place 5, Russell Wigham will be challenged by Ronnie Davis. There will be no election for Brown County Water Improvement District No. 1 as only incumbents Dennis Graham, Jimmy Jones and Johnny Hayes filed. Again, city and school board elections will be held Saturday, May 7.