TexasBank sponsoring ‘Teacher Appreciation Night’

TexasBank is proud to sponsor Teacher Appreciation Night at Brownwood’s Lyric Theater for the showing of The Elephant Man on Thursday, March 17th. All current and retired teachers will get in free for this performance.

To secure tickets for teachers, email office@brownwoodlyrictheatre.com This e-mail address is being protected from spambots. You need JavaScript enabled to view it with the names of attendees. If you have a guest that is a non-teacher that you would like to sit with, and need to pay for their ticket, call Eric Evans at 325-998-2801.

The Elephant Man is based on the life of John Merrick, who lived in London during the latter part of the nineteenth century. A horribly deformed young man, victim of rare skin and bone diseases, he has become the star freak attraction in traveling side shows. Found abandoned and helpless, he is admitted to London’s prestigious Whitechapel hospital. Under the care of celebrated young physician Frederick Treves, Merrick is introduced to London society and slowly evolves from an object of pity to an urbane and witty favorite of the aristocracy and literati only to be denied his ultimate dream, to become a man like any other.

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