Local celebrities now taking part in ‘Empty Bowls’

Ten dollars will barely pay for a fast food meal for one these days. One meal. Then the money’s gone and you’re hungry again in a few hours. However, when you purchase a $10 ticket for Good Samaritan Ministries’ Empty Bowls Project, you receive a light meal of soup, crackers, and water. But that $10 continues to work to feed your hungry friends and neighbors through the hunger ministries of GSM. The $10 spent will  provide food for one week for a homeless person or an elderly homebound adult. It will provide one bag of food to one student for two weekends on the Food for Thought program. That $10 will also benefit The Deer Project and the Pig Project. This year’s project will be held from 11 a.m. to 2 p.m. and 5 p.m. to 7 p.m., Thursday, March 24 at the Brownwood Coliseum. One ticket will provide entrance into one lunch or dinner session, a hand-painted ceramic bowl and a light meal of soup, crackers and water. Also new this year is the addition of a live auction during the evening session where bowls painted by local “celebrities” will be available to bid on. To see a list of celebrities and pictures of their bowl, visit the GSM website at goodsambwd.org. For more information about the Empty Bowls Project, call



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